CKAN services
Salsa's CKAN services cover everything from strategy and design to implementation, hosting and training.
Content management systems services
Salsa delivers a full range of services across open source content management systems (CMSs) Drupal, Wordpress and Joomla.
Content writing services
Optimise your content to create the best user experience possible and help people find and understand information that's relevant to them.
Design thinking services
Design thinking encompasses design strategy and implementation to give you the most innovative and intuitive digital solution possible.
Drupal services
We offer a variety of Drupal services to help you create the best website/platform possible.
Fixed price GovCMS services
Salsa offers a variety of fixed price GovCMS service packages to provide cost and timeline certainty for customers when requirements and outcomes are simple, well-defined and predictable.
GovCMS application support services
Ongoing GovCMS application support ensures the application layer for your website continues to remain secure and up-to-date.
GovCMS code audit services
Does your code follow best practice to maximise your site’s performance and stability? Salsa’s code review services take a deep dive into the code behind your site.
GovCMS content migration services
Migrate your proprietary and/or legacy site onto Drupal GovCMS backed by a fully managed public cloud platform with a 99.95% uptime SLA.
GovCMS design services
Salsa provides the program, application, and support services for the second-generation GovCMS, built in Drupal. We also build many GovCMS sites for a range of government agencies.
GovCMS frontend theme audit services
Make sure your site is accessible by all users and optimised to be viewed on different devices and internet browsers. Salsa will also make sure your site complies with the relevant design system.
GovCMS out-of-the-box services
Build and host a new site quickly on a resilient, secure, monitored and fully managed public cloud platform backed by a 99.95% uptime SLA.