Gender pay gap — the WGEA Data Explorer
Explore gender equality outcomes in the Australian workforce.
OECD Data Explorer
Explore the data behind the OECD’s data-driven decisions and recommendations.
Earthquake and seismic open data
Is seismic activity in Australia on the rise? Open data can answer this question.
UNICEF data warehouse
UNICEF collects data to drive global policy to ensure “every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment”.
The National Disability Data Asset
The National Disability Data Asset aims to be a centralised, connected resource that provides a more complete picture of the lives of people with disabilities and the wider disability sector.
Transport for NSW’s Open Data Hub
The Open Data Hub is a centralised portal for all Transport for NSW open data. It contains more than 200 datasets.
Using earth observation data during floods and other emergencies
Satellite imagery and data products are critical to our emergency services during floods.
Productivity Commission’s interim report on Australia’s data and digital dividend
Australia is falling behind other countries on more advanced uses of data and technology, such as AI and analytics.
Toolkits and resources for data practitioners
Open data toolkits and resources provide an invaluable resource for government agencies and staff managing, using and sharing data assets.
The NSW Data Strategy: enabling data-driven decision making
The NSW Data Strategy outlines principles and actions to make data central to government decision making.