Happy holidays from Salsa
It’s been a pleasure to work with our fantastic clients and partners this year to deliver some amazing work. We also actively participated in DrupalSouth, DrupalCon Europe, Drupal GovCon (US), GovCMS Mega Meetup, DrupalSouth Community Day, and hosted all the Melbourne Drupal Meetups.
Opening hours
During the Christmas and New Year period, Salsa will be closed from Monday 23 December to Friday 3 January. Our Service Desk will be open throughout the holidays except on the Public Holidays.
While many members of the team are away, there will be some Salsarians on duty!
Donating to charities and open source projects
In lieu of hampers, socks, or ‘knick-knacks’, each year Salsa donates to charities on behalf of Salsa and the ‘extended’ Salsa family (our partners and clients). This year, we’ve made the following cash donations and sponsorships to the value of $17,800. This figure is spread out across:
- Centre for Accessibility
- Homeless
- The Push for a Better
- (DrupalSouth 2024 and DrupalSouth Community Day)
- The Drupal
Giving back to the community
During 2024, Salsa has also contributed back to the Drupal and government communities in Australia.
Time volunteered as contributions in 2024 include:
- 1119 hours to Drupal CMS / Starshot
- 2380 hours to building CivicTheme, an open source design system
- 480 hours to Drupal (core and contributed projects)
- 114 General Contribution
- 24 hours to Merlin, an open source migration tool
- 96 hours to Drupal Meetups
- 387 hours to GovCMS Mega Meetup
- 631 hours to the DrupalSouth Community Day
- 256 hours to DrupalCon Europe, Drupal GovCon (US)
- 78 hours to Drupal GovCon (US) 2024
- 168 hours to Rules as Code Guild
Total hours: 5,733!!!!
Happy holidays
Once again, wishing everyone a wonderful holiday period. We’ll see you in 2025!