Live Traffic NSW
LiveTraffic is a website and app that helps users plan their journeys. It shows real-time data on:
- Traffic incidents
- Major alerts (e.g. flooding)
- Roadworks (current and scheduled)
- Breakdowns
- Events
Importantly, you can type in your origin and destination to see the best route, avoiding incidents, roadworks, etc.
However, at the moment, Live Traffic NSW only covers about 10% of NSW roads.
OneRoad is a newer initiative that will significantly expand the reach and power of Live Traffic NSW. OneRoad is a cloud-based backend system that will let local councils enter information from their areas. This will cover traffic incidents, roadworks, events, etc. The OneRoad data will be fed directly into LiveTraffic NSW. The data can also be fed into third-party apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps and TOMTOM.
You can find out more about OneRoad in the short video below.
The OneRoad backend is built by Salesforce — see article on OneRoad and . It also includes record management and reporting.
OneRoad rollout
The OneRoad rollout is staggered, with the first batch of 22 local government areas (LGA) coming on board last month. The rest of the LGAs (106 remaining) will come online gradually. Regional local councils are being prioritised due to the impact of bushfires and floods.
Live Traffic NSW, OneRoad and open data
Developers and others can access the Live Traffic NSW and OneRoad data via the Open Data . The Open Data Hub contains all open data from Transport for NSW. It currently contains 200+ datasets and 1000+ resources.
The Open Data Hub also has Innovation and a number of Transport for NSW endorsed .
Salsa Digital's take
Live Traffic NSW and OneRoad are excellent examples of how government is using open data to provide better citizen services. The projects also show innovation, with government extending on the existing framework (Live Traffic) to provide a more powerful experience by bringing in local government data. Finally, Live Traffic NSW and OneRoad show how different government jurisdictions (state and local) can work together for the benefit of citizens.